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For more than 4,500 years, turmeric, a spice extracted from the root of a plant, has been used for myriad purposes, most notably for cooking and medical treatment. Coined the “spice of life,” turmeric emerged in 500 BCE as a part of Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient Indian healing system, and has since sparked medical interest due to its positive effects on a broad range of chronic health problems. In India, the largest producer of turmeric and turmeric-based products, it is also used as a cooking spice for curry, in weddings as a sign of devotion, and to dye clothing.

In recent years, researchers have continued to explore turmeric’s benefits and contributed to its developing interest worldwide. Many of these researchers have come to similar conclusions—that turmeric may be a useful dietary supplement for boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation, improving oral health, and more. However, one obstacle is that its effects have been minimized due to its low solubility and low permeability.

At Turmeric Innovations, Inc., we developed a solution. By employing a patented extraction process of turmeric’s primary component, curcumin, we are able to create products that are water-soluble and absorbable, thus improving efficacy. Clinical tests demonstrate that turmeric-based lozenges dissolved in the mouth provide 85% absorption, bypassing the digestive process and going directly into the circulatory system.

Keep reading to learn more about the following topics:

  • What is turmeric?

  • Potential benefits of turmeric

  • Potential side effects of turmeric

  • The future of turmeric and our products

What is turmeric?

Turmeric, or Curcuma longa, is a naturally-occurring plant most commonly found in Southeast Asia and the Tropics. Turmeric is a perennial in the ginger family; its stem grows underground and it produces above-ground flowers. Curcumin, which is the stem’s main component, gives turmeric its vibrant yellow-orange color.

Potential benefits of turmeric
Turmeric’s anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have inspired diverse research studies around the world. Although it is often difficult to study due to its low solubility and low permeability, many researchers have reported similar positive results.

Blood sugar control
According to the CDC’s 2022 National Diabetes Statistics Report, 37.3 million Americans (11.3% of the population) have diabetes. This number has significantly increased during the past decade. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body destroys insulin-producing cells, negatively affecting blood sugar regulation.

A 2013 study suggested that curcumin can “favorably affect most of the leading aspects of diabetes, including insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and islet apoptosis and necrosis,” as well as prevent other diabetes-related complications. Similarly, a 2021 study reported that curcumin is a safe, low-cost alternative to certain diabetes treatments, but its effective dose is unknown.

Boosting the immune system
A 2007 study sought to explore turmeric’s effects on the immune system and found numerous interesting findings. First, a low does of curcumin can enhance antibody responses. Second, it seems to be able to modulate white blood cells, which play an active role in fighting infections and other harmful pathogens. Researchers who conducted similar experiments in 2022 recognized curcumin’s immune system benefits, but cited its low solubility as an obstacle for wide clinical use.

Reducing pain and inflammation
Due to the increase of health disorders caused by inflammation, more people are turning to anti-inflammatory diet supplements. Turmeric may be one reliable option. For example, in a 2021 study focusing on individuals with knee osteoarthritis, participants experienced pain reduction and improved joint function. A 2016 study that focused on joint arthritis presented a compelling case for turmeric as a dietary supplement for existing joint treatment.

Improving oral health
Turmeric has the potential to support oral health in numerous ways. Despite its vibrant color, one of its most popular applications is teeth whitening. Oftentimes, turmeric is combined with coconut oil and baking soda to make a whitening paste, which may also be useful for reducing gum inflammation and bad breath. On the contrary, a 2021 in-vitro study determined that turmeric was ineffective against oral bacteria, though the authors note that they utilized a limited sample size and it is possible that turmeric mouth washes might work better when combined with other substances.

Boosting cognition
In 2023, it is estimated that more than 6.7 million Americans over the age of 65 suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease. Additionally, Alzheimer’s-related deaths more than doubled between 2000 and 2019. These statistics suggest a pressing need for researchers to explore methods for boosting cognition.

Thus far, researchers have demonstrated that turmeric may be effective in reducing or preventing cognitive decline. For instance, a 2018 study determined through preclinical studies that turmeric “decreases both systemic and neuroinflammation as well as improves redox state.” Another study published in 2019 found that curcumin presents promising strategies for boosting cognition, but there is insufficient evidence for its use as dementia treatment. It is likely that more research will be necessary for consistent conclusions.

Potential side effects of turmeric
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated that curcuminoids are “generally regarded as safe.” Additionally, clinical trials have generally produced positive results of turmeric uses. Regardless, it is possible that turmeric may result in side effects if taken with other drugs or supplements, or in large doses, including:

  • Headaches

  • Nausea

  • Rashes

  • Diarrhea

The future of turmeric and our products

As turmeric becomes more widely used and researchers continue exploring its benefits, it is likely that new uses and opportunities will emerge. At Turmeric Innovations, Inc., we intend to be a part of this journey and will continue to innovate to provide absorbable and delicious products. For more information about our products, please visit our website. Our products are available for purchase here.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Turmeric Innovations, Inc. product are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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